P2E Game

We use the term "P2E" loosely.

MythCity is more than just a PVP DAPP, we also offer some utility NFT's which can be customized, outfitted, upgraded, and ultimately used. These tokens can be used to increase the stats of other tokens or can be used to farm reward tokens from the ecosystem. It will be free to use the tokens to farm rewards.

"P2E" has become an umbrella term for any game where players can play to earn rewards in the crypto space. We use the term loosely. Our version of a "P2E" game is a little healthier, in that it doesn't solely depend on new players risking and losing all their money for the ecosystem to stay afloat.

Anyone with a Degen can start playing for free.

Our vision is to create a community driven ecosystem within MythCity, which players can participate in and gain value from. Players can fully immerse themselves within the city and take control of its narrative. The MythCity team strives to build the infrastructure, interactions, and mechanics that facilitate solid in-game economics.

What can I do with the NFTs?

First of all, you'll be able to EARN with the degens. We're always innovating and value stacking with our degen collection, and there are many other peripheral NFTs that you can acquire to make your degen more efficient at earning. Earning doesn't necessarily JUST MEAN earning our native token. (Which can be sold on Pancakeswap) Players participating in our ecosystem and using the degens get a host of benefits and rewards.

  • Earn $MYTHRAL

  • Earn Resources and Materials (Which can be used to upgrade your degen)

  • Earn FREE NFTs

  • Earn Dapp Revenue

  • Earn from Staking

A big part of why we started this project was the fact that we see a ton of NFT projects operate in a very mundane fashion. They usually just have a token, and only way they generate income is through other people putting money in, and then the system always needs fresh blood to keep it going. With MythCity, we actual rely on REAL REVENUE STREAMS from multiple avenues, like token transaction taxes, NFT royalties, entertainment dapp revenue (lootbox + pvp revenue) and MORE. Players can also wager their own NFTs against other players, and duke it out in roll-based pvp gameplay. Also, we create new markets for the NFTs that exist within our ecosystem, and allow people to TRADE TRAITS. All of these factors merge together to create this "economic flywheel" effect, where marketing and growth of the network is actually directly correlated to the value of the brand, and how much time and energy people spend making it a better space. We're building an ecosystem where essentially the community owns majority of what is traded in it. You can think of this as the skin or "asset" markets of popular web2 games like CS:GO and RUST.

Last updated