
Degens will be able to be sent on missions.

A Mission Consists of:

1. Route Number

2. Level Number

3. Core Score

4. Drop Table

5. Mission Time (in blocks)

6. Cool Down Time (in blocks)


When using equipment with the same route type as the mission then the Degen will receive a 20% core score boost.



Each mission has a core score which is used to determine chance of success.

Example of success rate: Degen with 5000 core is sent on mission with 3000 core. When enough blocks passed to finish the mission, a random number is rolled between 0 - ( 5000 + 3000)

If the random number is greater than the core score of the Degen then the mission was a failure.

Success number: 0 - 5000

Fail numbers: 5001 - 8000

Drop Tables

If the mission is a success then the reward will be a random drop from the drop table of that mission.

These drop tables can include different items at different rates. Some rewards will be:

1. Mythral

2. Myth

3. Blueprints

4. Resource Tokens

5. NFT items (Degens, Weapons, Mods, Equipment)

6. Upgrade Tokens (Engrams)

7. Cosmetic NFT Tokens (Skins and other items)

Mission Time / Cool Down Time

Each mission will have a set mission time to complete. This time will be in blocks, so example mission takes 3000 blocks to complete. Once a mission is complete, a random number is used to determine the success status and if successful then another random number is used to determine the reward from the drop table.

Missions can be aborted prematurely at no extra cost.

Cool Down time is the amount of blocks the Degen will be unable to start a new mission. Degens only go on cooldown if they complete a mission, successful or not.

Last updated