
To understand how traits work, we'll lay out the different types of traits, how each of them is important, and which ones do what.

Cosmetic Traits

Cosmetics are essentially clothing. Anything that makes your Degen look good, but doesn't give a core score or stat buff, is considered cosmetic. This can be anything from a beanie to a sneaker on a Degen's head, to the jacket he's wearing. Cosmetic Traits are not only applicable to Degens however.

Weapon Skins are also considered Cosmetic Items as they do not enhance a Degen's capabilities at all, and are purely just for looks.

Clothing can be purchased in our item shop for Credits or BNB, and CANNOT be traded P2P. (Player to Player) Skins on the other hand, are tradeable P2P, and they can only come from 2 places: 1. Item Shop or Marketplace (From Players) 2. Lootboxes

Weapons - skins

Weapons are not treated the same as cosmetics. They are the main items that increase your degen's overall strength. Weapons are NFTs that can be attached to your Degen and add to its Core Score and Damage Cap. Weapons can be crafted, bought and sold on marketplaces, and upgraded. You can also add skins to your Weapon to change its appearance.

There are also NFTs that are weapon skins. These skin NFTs can be equipped to the same weapon type to change the weapons image. Skins can be unequipped and traded.


Mods are NFTs which appear on the Degen image when equipped.

Mods only have a Damage Cap Stat, which means they increase damage cap only. (No core score buffs)


Equipment are NFTs which increases damage cap.

Equipment can be either wings or a circuit chip.

The circuit chip will be one of five different types, the type coordinates with the route which gives it bonus Core Score during missions.

The wings are more rare and naturally have higher Core Score but do not provide a route boost for missions.

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